Tech Stack
This website is created with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, MDX, Velite, Umami and Neon. It's hosted on Vercel, and if you're curious, feel free to explore the source code on GitHub.
For the website typography, I am using Inter for most of the content, Manrope for headings, buttons and a few other elements, and, MonoLisa for code snippets. All of them have some font features enabled to make them stand out from the default.
Inter Regular
Inter Medium
Manrope Semibold
Manrope Bold
MonoLisa Normal
MonoLisa Italic
Design & Colors
I personally handpicked the brand's color palette. The design is a blend of inspirations from various people and websites, tailored to my personal taste and enriched by valuable feedback from friends.
My personal logo is designed by Eduardo Pratti.
Carbon FootprintΒ Β π
This website produces less than 0.15 g of CO2 per per visit, according to Website Carbon Calculator and Digital Beacon, achieving a carbon rating of A π³.